Business Analysis

Our business analysts provide you with strategic analysis to identify business needs, define business problems, analyze business changes and identify new ways to improve your business. This includes understanding and implementing new regulatory requirements to avoid regulatory problems and penalties.

Business analysis in finance is therefore not limited to analyzing financial data or budgeting in project plans, but provides software solutions to improve the bank's overall productivity, profitability and brand value to help it stay ahead of the competition. Our strategic business analysts have the necessary expertise to understand the subtleties of business, operations and organizational culture. This enables them to work effectively and efficiently with the respective stakeholders in your organization.

Business analysis on the IT side helps define the IT strategy and translates the developed solution requirements for the technical team. Business analysts assist in monitoring development and implementation of the solution as well as in defining test cases and providing test support. Our business analysts on the IT side have excellent IT skills to effectively communicate and collaborate with the IT team.

Effective Business Analysis - 8 Steps

8-step business analysis process that you can apply whether you are in an agile environment or a traditional one.

  • Get Oriented
    Ensure you are not only moving quickly, but also able to be an effective and confident contributor on the project.
  • Discover the Primary Business Objectives
    Uncovering and getting agreement on the business needs early in a project and before scope is defined is the quickest path forward to a successful project.
  • Define Scope
    Scope makes the business needs tangible in such a way that multiple project team participants can envision their contribution.
  • Formulate Your Business Analysis Plan
    In the absence of defining a credible and realistic plan, a set of expectations may be defined for you.
  • Define the Detailed Requirements
    Without clear, concise, and actionable detailed requirements, implementation teams often flounder.
  • Support the Technical Implementation
    Help the implementation team fulfill the intended benefits of the project.
  • Help the Business Implement the Solution
    If your business users don't use it as intended and go back to business-as-usual, your project won't have delivered on the original objectives.
  • Assess Value Created by the Solution
    Nothing creates more positive momentum within an organization than a track record of successful projects.